Paid teaching apprenticeships for aspiring teachers - Tap your passion by enrolling for the US wide teacher apprenticeships opportunities

Paid teaching apprenticeships for aspiring teachers - Tap your passion by enrolling for the US wide teacher apprenticeships opportunities

Did you know that paid teaching apprenticeships programs are getting a major boost in states across the US from the Labor Department’s federal certification, which gives these training programs access to millions in job-training funds? 


Explore and enroll for the teaching apprenticeship programs featured on, our leading US apprenticeships platform.


The paid teaching apprenticeship model allows trainees to earn while they acquire skills, learn techniques, and earn their teaching credentials. In exchange, many of the programs do require graduates to commit a certain number of years of service in high-needs schools. This is to address the persistent challenge of trained teacher shortages across the US. 


Over the last 17 months, programs in 16 states have been launched, including some poised to take on hundreds of trainees. West Virginia Is taking on 200 teacher trainees; Iowa has 17 programs. Tennessee’s Austin Peay State program graduated 34 people in its inaugural class and has over 200 teacher apprentices in various stages of the program. Mississippi with one of the US nation’s worst teacher shortages is spending $10 million to educate 200 trainees for its teacher residency, about $50,000 per person, in a program that covers the cost of tuition at one of five universities while allowing participants to work in school districts. 


As per a Washington Post article, May 10th written by Moriah Balingit, an education reporter, apprenticeship programs are tapping an untapped talent pool: people who have the desire and the heart — but not the financial means — to become a teacher. The programs are expected to address a persistent teacher shortage that threatens student achievement, diversify, and broaden the teacher ranks, as interest in teaching plummets among undergraduates. Apprenticeships give aspiring, promising educators who cannot afford college a path to a higher-paying career.


Act now, realize your burning desire to help educate the next few generations ! 


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Source & Acknowledgement: Blog content is based on Washington Post article by Moriah Balingit.


Posted 1 year ago by admin


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